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Product details
File Size: 1379 KB
Print Length: 320 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0571340911
Publisher: Liveright; 1 edition (January 1, 2019)
Publication Date: January 1, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B07DP7Z887
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#231,114 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Excellent writing. Morris is feisty, inquisitive, adventurous--at 92. More power to her! I love the thought of her marching up and down in front of her cottage singing old hymns and marching songs. Her words on art are especially powerful and have stayed with me. She has health problems, she cares for her long-time partner who has dementia, she lives in a rural area, she still drives. Not easy! I'd love to be like this at her age! Her spirit inspires me. Grateful I came upon this book, which has had a far more positive impact on me than the Mary Pipher book I just finished (see that review).
The book arrived on Friday morning. I cleared the decks, brewed the tea, turned off the phone and settled in for a day of reading. A challenge—finish it today. But, before the pot of tea was emptied, just about page 33, I laid down the book and turned on the phone. This is not, for me, a sit-down-and-read book. Not like a meal from the drive-through that will be gobbled down before the news is off. Like a gourmet meal, this is a book to be savored, enjoyed, and slowly digested.Morris shares that as she enters her tenth decade she is writing her first journal—“good luck to me.†And, I add, “Good luck to me, too.†Thing change—her mood, the weather, her car. She puts down what on her mind today, briefly, and then she’s off. This how I plan to finish my reading. The book will live by my reading chair, ready for a frequent dip in. My own journal I lives nearby so may even write a response to Morris in my mind’s eye.At a decade and a few ahead of me, she offers insights that make me feel fine about my own approaching “tenth decade.†Morris’s writing is, as always, a delight. I keep my underlining pencil ready, because I figure when in a few months I finish the book, I suspect I’ll just turn it over and start again. Before I do, I’ll stop and send a sequel to this review.
What a delightful and insightful experience; reading this "thought diary" is like having a pleasant visit with an old friend. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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